How to Create a Marketing Message
that Attracts New Clients
(This free guide includes a 2-step formula you can follow to create your
compelling one-sentence description of your business, product or service)
By Alexander Nikolov, creator of the 7-step Formula for Business Growth
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I am Alexander Nikolov
and I am a business coach and consultant.
I help the small business owners
to earn more and work less.
I have helped hundreds of small business owners to double their business in record time.
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Inside this guide you will discover:
- The reasons why you most likely experience a lack of clients and inconsistent revenues and why it is getting so difficult to reach new clients
- 4 simple steps to attract more clients
- The way you should not present your product or service
- The single biggest mistake most business owners do when trying to create their message
- A 2-step formula to create your compelling one-sentence description of your business, product or service.