Galya Stoykova and Magi Bogdanova,
owners of the accounting firm Argia
We decided to work with Alexander because we needed time to take action and to have someone to hold us accountable. Before working with Alexander, it was very difficult for us to deal with many aspects of our business and there were many unanswered questions. After starting the coaching program with him, we slowly found out where our shortcomings are and most importantly – we received practical advice on what to do. The one on one meetings with him were always super productive, as were the live seminars with all of his clients. We highly recommend the whole program, because all stages are carefully and very precisely selected! Thanks to coaching with Alexander, we reached a six-figure annual turnover, learned to delegate better, changed the way we talk and think about our business and developed a regular the blog on our web site.
Galya Stoykova and Magi Bogdanova,
owners of the accounting firm Argia