Vania Vasileva

Likora Testimonials

Vania Vasileva about her coaching program with Alexander Nikolov

Vania Vasileva, owner of womens fitness club “Feeria”

My biggest problems were with the attraction of new clients and with the fact that I had to work with very low prices which didn’t reflect the value I was giving. I had the need for someone to show me where to start so I could overcome those (and many others) difficulties.

The things I value the most from Alexander’s couching program are the group sessions, in which I benefit from his coaching on my questions as well as the coaching he gives to others who have similar problems like me. The other important thing for me is that Alexander is constantly getting me out of my comfort zone which turned out to be a huge win for me. The investment was not small and the decision was scary but in the fifth month my investment was completely paid and basically the couching is free for me now.

Vania Vasileva,
owner of womens fitness club “Feeria”