Overcoming objections

Overcoming Objections

Alexander Nikolov Strategies for Business Growth

One of the biggest concerns of sales people and business owners are

client objections.

Think about it, do you know how to approach when you hear the client say:

  • “The price is too high”;
  • “I do not have the money. I can not afford it”
  • “I do not have time then. I am very busy.”
  • “I can’t travel right then.”
  • “I have no interest.”

I bet you hear at least 2 of the above objections from your clients on a regular basis. And my first question to you is:

how do you react when you hear these objections? –

Do you feel anxious and worried that you do not know how to approach them and you fear you may lose the deal, or do you feel confident and calm that everything is going on as you have expected?

Most sales people and business owners are concerned about these objections. And the first reason for their concern comes from the fact that they are not prepared how to respond to them. Most business owners rely on finding answers on the spot and possibly “enchanting” the customer. Improvisations sometimes work, of course, but we can rarely “enchant” a potential client just like that… In most cases, however, if you are unprepared and do not feel confident, you will simply lose the deal.

It is much better to know in advance what to say.

Then we can say it with confidence and inner peace, which is a key factor when we persuade someone to decide to buy our product or service.

Dealing with objections can also be a lot of fun when you’re prepared and have a system for how to do it. Here are two simple rules you can use to overcome any objection and significantly increase the number of closed trades.

Rule №1: Acknowledge the objections either in advance or after they have been raised.

Just admit that it is normal for people to be skeptical. We ourselves are skeptical when someone offers us something. In today’s world of information and tens of thousands of commercial messages every day, it is normal to be skeptical. So acknowledge the client’s skepticism and show them that you understand their objection. Simply agree with the client that it is normal to feel and think that way. This will show that you are concerned and understand them…. And the client will feel that you are on their side.

Rule №2: Do not directly attack the client’s objection.

If you attack the objection and immediately try to respond, you are actually attacking the person who is making the objection. This will only make them more aggressive or more defensive and they will continue to bring other objections to you. That way you will hardly be able to close the deal ….

Instead, turn the objection into a question you can answer

and ask your client to agree that this is actually the real question. For example, you might say, “Do you agree that the real question here is not the price itself, but how to make sure that the benefits of the investment you make will be many times greater than the price you pay?” And once the client agrees that this is the question, you just have to answer that question. Notice how, through this question, we are not answering the initial objection “it costs too much”, but we are answering another question that we ourselves have formulated… ..

In order to apply the last piece of advice, you need to be prepared in advance both with the reformulation of the question and with the possible answers to this question. Don’t count on inventing it on the spot! Many of my clients, who previously used to rely on improvisation, after they start following my 5-step approach to dealing with any objection, close much more trades. At the heart of this 5-step approach are the two rules above, so start by following them.


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